Every child dreams of possibilities.
A good education makes these
dreams possible.
Bright Start gives children in South Africa access to
the quality education they deserve, and the tools to turn     their dreams into reality.
Every child dreams of possibilities.
A good education makes these
dreams possible.
Bright Start gives children in South Africa access to
the quality education they deserve.
Every child dreams of possibilities.
A good education makes these
dreams possible.
Bright Start gives children in
South Africa access to the quality education they deserve.
South Africa is failing its children. Be part of the solution.
Welcome to the online home of Bright Start UK – a charity registered in the United Kingdom and run by a group of dedicated volunteer Trustees based in the UK and Europe.
Bright Start UK aims to support the outstanding work carried out by Bright Start in Cape Town, South Africa. We provide this support through fundraising that will allow more children to join the Bright Start Programme, mentoring where appropriate, supporting the South African Board of Directors, and increasing the international profile of the organisation.
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Nearly 30 years into its democracy, South Africa remains one of the most unequal societies in the world. While the country has many challenges, there is one fundamental solution that can help to address them all – providing a quality education through which South Africa’s children are empowered to become confident, functioning and contributing members of society, and break free from the cycle of poverty they were born into.
What makes Bright Start Different?
While many great charities are helping to give more South African children access to the quality education they deserve, Bright Start recognised that access to education is not enough to ensure the best outcome for these children. A child that has been plucked out of a township and placed in a well-resourced school needs additional support to truly flourish. They will need academic and emotional support, and their parents – many without any real education themselves – may need mentoring to enable them to fully support their child through their school years. They need a safe space where they can complete homework and school projects, with access to the internet and other educational resources.
In order to fully integrate into a new, more affluent, school environment, children also need the opportunity to participate in the extra-curricular activities enjoyed by their peers, such as swimming, karate, ballet, cricket, and music lessons. And to ensure these children can maximise the opportunities presented to them through the Programme, they need to have access to healthcare.
Bright Start, through its network of generous service providers and donors, provides this comprehensive package of support and enrichment to the children on the Programme. In this way, we ensure our beneficiaries have the best possible chance for a bright future – building a better future for South Africa, one child at a time.
What we offer

Access to quality

Academic & personal

Safe & reliable

After school

Internet access

Access to health

School uniform &

Outings & birthday

Parental support
14 Day
Challenge 2022
Join in with your friends, family, classmates, colleagues or neighbours and help raise funds for education of disadvantaged children in South Africa through participating in a fun challenge.
How it works:
The challenge will take 14 days to complete. Each day you are presented with a new activity. Write down your score and sub-total for each day in the box provided. And at the end of the 14 days add up the total to donate. Â
Be involved
Wherever you live, whatever you can give, we need your help to keep alive the dreams of all our children, and many more.
There’s no better time than now.
Bright Start in South Africa at a glance
- Budget 120 000 GDP
- 3 Full time employees
- Elected, professional board
- Volunteer network
- Non-Profit Organisation NPO-139972/ PBO 930030374
- Certified beneficiary of the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Programme
- Tax exempt organisation – 18 A
Contact Us
Bright Start gives children in South Africa access to
the quality education they deserve.